Molly Imrie

Molly Imrie

TechFest’s Engineer‘n’ Our Live


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Materials + Engineers = Products

Every day, engineers use their skills and experience to mould a wide range of materials into objects and structures that solve problems and enhance our daily lives. As we collectively move towards a net-zero future, the expertise of engineers is in high demand. From Mechanical Engineers optimising the design of wind turbines to Electrical Engineers applying their expertise in power storage, each discipline has a part to play in the energy transition.

Yet, as of 2019, only 39% of young people in the UK aged between 14 and 16 said they knew “what they need(ed) to do next in order to become an engineer”. And in some cases, many can’t even see themselves entering the field because it feels daunting, dull, or irrelevant.

However, children have an innate curiosity that makes them natural engineers. By engaging with children early, EOL strives to bridge the gap and shift the perception of engineering as a viable career path by setting interactive, project-based challenges that show pupils:

1) The diverse range of roles in traditional and emerging engineering sub-sectors that are available to them

2) How engineering disciplines of all types help make our lives better, even when we’re not fully aware of it

3) The entire engineering process from design to manufacturing a product and the benefit their unique skill set can bring to each stage


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The Engineer‘n’ Our Lives Programme

For over ten years, the EOL programme has introduced school-aged children to various disciplines under the engineering umbrella. And, as of 2024, in collaboration with Energy Transition Zone Ltd (ETZ), we will highlight the transferable skills that engineers are already harnessing to assist in the energy transition, including their work with hydrogen, drones, and reducing carbon emissions.

Split into P1-3, P4-5 and P6-7, pupils from each group take part in four age-appropriate challenges across five days. These interactive challenges include Properties (of Materials), Design, Prototype, and Process. Covering the spectrum of aural, visual, and kinaesthetic learning, the programme links different engineering disciplines to various subjects. So, whether your pupils’ favourite subjects are based on science, literacy, numeracy, or expressive arts, they can learn about the world of engineering and how it is part of their everyday life.

The EOL programme connects, on every level, the skills children are being taught in school to the skills used by engineers in the workplace today. As they are being asked to follow a brief, meet deadlines, solve problems and work as a team, pupils will use an array of meta-skills covering aspects of self-management, social intelligenceand innovation that will help them to become resourceful, resilient, and adaptive as they move forward in their education and future career.

As well as providing a curriculum-linked sustainable legacy that supports teachers’ work in the classroom, the programme has been strengthened by the involvement of over 100 industry professionals. They continue to provide real-world insight into the issues being faced by their sectors and how engineering is a key element in addressing these. Not only are these volunteers involved in providing feedback on the challenges, but they also offer their time to answer pupil’s questions, creating an ever-expanding knowledge base that future classes can use.




Since 2012, over 18,000 children across Aberdeen City and Shire have participated in EOL, and over 100 industry professionals have kindly donated their time and expertise to support the programme. If you are a school or an industry professional who might like to volunteer as part of this programme please contact Julia Chew – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We hope you will join us on our mission to raise awareness of the opportunities in engineering and foster a new generation of innovators and problem solvers.

TechFest’s The Discover Series with CNOOC International


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Welcome to TechFest's Discovery Series, proudly supported by CNOOC International – an innovative and engaging program designed to spark the curiosity of young minds and cultivate a passion for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) across all age groups. Our four-phase Discovery Series has been designed to cater to a wide range of age groups, starting from as early as three years old. At TechFest, we believe in laying the foundation for success by instilling transferable skills from an early age. Our workshops and programmes provide hands-on experiences that not only captivate young imaginations but also equip participants with the essential tools for a future brimming with possibilities. Please get in touch if you would like more information for any of the below.


Phase 1


Workshop Name: Energising the Transition: Electromagnetism! 

Age Range: p3-p5

Running Time: 60mins

Summary: Understanding the properties of magnets is central to the energy industry and to many aspects of our daily lives. In this hands-on investigative workshop, working in small teams, pupils discover the properties and uses of magnets and magnetism and are introduced to the amazing phenomenon of electromagnetism.   

How to book: (see our Primary Outreach Catalogue here) or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   

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Phase 2


Workshop Name: Energising the Transition: Bright Ideas 

Age Range: p4-p7

Running Time: 60mins

Summary: Look around you. Are the lights on? Is your computer running? Or the TV playing? All of these things require energy! We use energy everyday to power our world. In this workshop, delve into the exciting future of energy and take part in hands-on interactive experiments to learn about different energy sources, and the trade offs associated with each. Which energy source will you use to power your future? 

How to book: (see our Primary Outreach Catalogue here) or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   

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Phase 3


Workshop Name: STEM into Industry   

Age Range: S1 – S3

Running Time: one day event

Summary: This one-day event provides an immersive and engaging learning opportunity, empowering young minds to address real-world challengers while learning about the energy mix and the future of the Energy Industry. The highlight of this exciting engineering experience is the afternoon activity where the students are challenged to design and build their own offshore oil rig while incorporating numerous factors, including having to design and construct an offshore wind turbine to power the rig and reduce its carbon emissions.

For more information contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Phase 4


Workshop Name: STEM in the Pipeline: Energising the Transition    

Age Range: S6

Running Time: September – December  

Summary: STEM in the Pipeline is one of TechFest’s key events across our annual programme. The project is designed for teams of pupils (max. of 6 pupils per team) to compete in a realistic project set within the Energy Industry.

For more information about STEM in the Pipeline please click here, or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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STEM Into Innovation Logo



With faster technological advancements and the continued rise of the digital age, many employers are looking for candidates with a passion for innovation. 

TechFest’s ‘STEM into Innovation’, supported by the NCR Foundationtakes students on an exploration into product design and development, while putting their STEM skills to the test!  

STEM into Innovation: Pioneers of Progress focuses on the history, present and the future of instant communication as we explore the remarkable evolution of the devices of instant communication. From the early days of clunky landlines tethered to walls, to brain implants that allow us to talk to each other. 

The programme will be taught through video content with follow up challenges that can be run in class within your own timeframe. Student’s maths, writing, designing, teamworking and marketing skills will be challenged. 

This project has been designed to be delivered by teachers of any subject. CPD training sessions and remote support will be provided to all teachers.


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STEM into Innovation: Pioneers of Progress

Available for the entire academic year of 2024

Age Range: aimed at S1 - S2  

Run Time: activities flexible to suit from 15 minutes – 1 hour

Number of activities: 3 video episodes (including 15 modular activities)

CfE links: 
LIT 3-04a, LIT 4-04a, LIT 3-07a, LIT 4-07a, MNU 3-03a, MNU 4-03a, MNU 3-10a, MNU 4-10b, MNU 3-20a, SCN 3-20b, SCN 4-20a, SCN 4-20b, TCH 3-05a, TCH 4-05a, TCH 3-07a, TCH 3-08a

Cost to take part: free!   

Register now! 

CREST AccreditedResource Kitemark AW FullColour

The CREST Awards scheme is the British Science Association’s flagship programme for young people. CREST is a scheme that inspires young people to think and behave like scientists and engineers. 

STEM into Innovation: Pioneers of Progress can be put towards achieving a CREST Discovery Award. Find out more about how you could use these activities to gain a CREST Award here


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Registered teachers will receive: A Teacher Planning Resource that explains the rationale behind the project, Activity & Answer booklet, 3 Videos to accompany the activities, PP presentation with project information that you can use.


For any questions, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


TEDEd Aberdeen


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TEDEd Aberdeen was a new initiative created in the spirit of TED’s overall mission to inspire, educate and share “ideas worth spreading”.

We invited secondary school students from Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire to present their STEM related ideas where things like AI, digital, energy transition, inventors from the NE were discussed. 


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See the talks of the 11 brilliant students below! 








What is TEDx?

TEDx is a program of local, self-organised events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience.

At a TEDx event, TED talk videos and live speakers combine to spark discussion and connection.

These local, self-organised events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organised TED event.


2022 SPEAKERS  TedxAberdeen21 Speakers


After the incredible success of the 2021 and 2022 TEDxAberdeen events, we were delighted to introduce an event directly aimed at the next generation of inspiring speakers and those with a passion for sharing their ideas with others.

With the ‘Ed’ standing for Education, TEDEd is dedicated to celebrating and amplifying the ideas of educators - be they teachers, the community or students themselves - around the world.

See you in 2025 when we hope to run TedEd Aberdeen again!


See TEDxAberdeen and TED websites to learn more. 

Welcome to TechFest Talks, Space into Energy Edition!

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In this series students talk with professionals from the energy and space sectors and discover the exciting world of STEM - science, technology, engineering, mathematics.


Click on your favourite podcast platform icon to listen.


SIE With Chloe Pearson West



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SIE With Ryan Menzies



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 Learn more about Space Into Energy project.


SIE Grid 2023




Maths Into Series Logo

MIEM Student Poster

Register your team now!

About Maths Into the Energy Mix


Maths into the Energy Mix was piloted in March 2023, this event was sponsored by Emerson. The event was met with enthusiasm by students and teachers alike, and with the help of the industry volunteers from Emerson the students spent the day working through Mathematical challenges associated with different energy sources; all focussed around the context of a fictional village.  The student teams spent the day calculating the energy required, and working on solutions for how the village was able to meet the demand; using both fossil fuels and renewable energy sources. 


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The day was also designed with Meta skills in mind; these are identified by Skills Development Scotland as being essential skills in creating adaptive learners and increased chances of success in the context of the future of a young person. These skills are inherently part of STEM activities, and throughout educational settings there is a renewed focus on supporting young people to identify these qualities within themselves.

The main skills focussed on with this event were teamwork, problem solving, creativity and communication. Additional skills associated with social intelligence, innovation and self-management are developed when young people work through project-based learning opportunities such as this.




Pupil Comments:

"Really opened my eyes.. I like things like proposals, planning and analysis. An addition of STEM made it even more interesting." - BoD Pupil

"I have learned loads about different careers and outcomes in the sector of energy by talking with the volunteers and staff. I personally want to persue Geology." - Fraserburgh Pupil




If anyone would like to discuss future sponsorship of this event please contact Dr Yashka Smith; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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